Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Are We Fixing It?

So this meme describes the general mentality of fixing the invasive lionfish problem:

Submitted by DJMeiystro

There seems to be an understandable lack of efficacy toward lionfish removal. The only real issues that have resulted from this introduction of species--at least as far as we know-- are:
1. a highly reduced population of other coral reef fish and
2. a highly upset group of humans who got too close to these beauties and were therefore envenomated.

Jonathan Hare and Paula Whitfield in their article from the Aquatic Commons bring up a valid point. The effects of the invasive lionfish upon the ecosystem  as a whole may not be noticeable for many more years. This makes me think that we will eventually be scrambling to get rid of the problem (whatever that problem with lionfish may be) rather than trying to prevent any problems now.

So what do Hare and Whitfield recommend? There are several steps that scientists et al. can take to dig into the issues:

1. Track the population. If we know exactly when and by how much the invasive lionfish population changes, we can draw more accurate conclusions about their environmental impact and our efficiency in getting rid of them.
2. More research! Lionfish need to be studied more frequently in this unnatural environment in order to provide a better understanding of the harm the species induces.
3. In the know. The more informed people are about introduction of marine species to new waters, the less likely it is to happen and cause problems.
4. Regulation of introduction. Once we get on board with step 3, step 4 becomes much easier.
5. Acknowledgement by healthcare providers. If this venomous fish is going to be where people are, it is really important that healthcare is aware of the issue and ready to help envenomated humans.

Basically, no, we aren't fixing it yet on a large scale. It is super expensive. And not enough people care about it yet to make a big investment.

Hare, Jonathan A. and Whitfield, Paula E. (2003) An Integrated Assessment of the Introduction of Lionfish (Pterois volitans/miles complex) to the Western Atlantic Ocean. Beaufort, NC, NOAA/National Ocean Service/National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science/Center for Coastal Fisheries and Habitat Research, (NOAA Technical Memorandum NOS NCCOS, 2)

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